0101150146 Weird dream

Every once in a while i lost my patience to keep living... Just bcuz of tired of keep living and living...
Well it doesn't mean i haven't got faith in life, but this feeling just got in my head...

  • Cockroach, a man like cockroach/ insect, dumpster man, Me 1st going into a maze, suddenly man telling that someone unknown how he solved the maze, and i repeat the trace to maze. Very dark green theme, with underworld, with rough textures of view, 1st going to a room, and some garden were in my road, where every inch i walk was very dense in front of me, and then дээр доороосоо хаагддаг хаалга хаагдахдаа гацах, дунд нь black cartoonish cockroach got it's head stuck, it was a bathroom, and then i go to my right, and bath hole thorgoii(??) нүх, шар ногоон black theme, and then the man came out, suddenly i touch my self erotically, with loads of soap in my hand, and then feeling of the scene leads to sexually erotically way...
  • Тэр охни надруу хараад бид ямар нэг зүйл ярьж эхлэв, би түүнийг ямар нэг зүйл хийхийг /эсвэл түүнтэй холбоотой гэдгийг мэддэг болохоороо... гэх мэдрэмж төрөөд зүүн талыг зүүн талаараа тэр чигт нь хараад бгаа мэт байв/... тэр жижигхэн охиныг гарч ирэх үед shadow*ын эмзэг цэг нь хөндөгдөнө гэдгийг мэдсэн юм шиг би түүнийг нүднийхээ булангаар ажиглана, тэгээд тэр цааш хараад мэгшиж эхлэв, then he lean on/ bend to a guy on my left, we hugged/ held him, it felt so heart aching yet so heartwarming tender, it's so strange that i still feel the feelings from the dream even when i woke up...

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