Three Dreams 1209140824

  • Floating in the sky holding a rope hanging from dirigible, and bright light in the right, I was holding my notebook, and wearing a big headset, and suddenly noticed that why i'm I good at holding my notebook, without noticing I was floating in the sky?, and looked right, see only lights shining in the surface of the water below, with full of clouds, can't see enough, and suddenly turning corner to the left, and saw 2 water bubble slowly bubbling, like a volcano bubble, with full of chemicals, like an oil or something, looks so pinkish and grey in the lower, and there were a deck, with young fellows sitting outside of the wall or door, with a window...
  • I was talking in my dream, i thought it is kind of impossible to but I actually did!, I was talking like "am I talking in my dream? am really I talking in my dream? is it really happening?", and doing something with a shovel, and there was Taehyun in it, I guess, or am I mixing y dream with the 3rd one, lol, anyways, there were 2 guys, & we were all shoveling something, with sun was shining from the right side...
  • What was the 3rd one??

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