
i had never in my entire life

 had a SINGLE issues with my skin 


nor my hair, 

nor my with face in general .. 

(i just dont pay much attention to those worrying. 

/excelt i had others issues related to them. such as like confidence, or tiny lil insecurities that i wss nitpicking myself, unconsciously. /Bcuz ppl around me were nitpicking "around me", directly./

 and being in between about "beauty standards" in general, or i just didnt gave much fuck about them, except worrying more on who i am, who i wanna become, or what do i wanna do with my life in the future, etc2. / 

#goshiwassoblessed. black then, omfg (physcially* i mean.) 

well, #iamstillblessedthankuverymuch. 🙏🙏 

but as u get olders, 

now im getting these 

food related acnes poppin' (thank god its rarely happn), or .. forgot. 

би хэзээ ч нүүрээ хэрхэн арчлах уу, яавал хөөрхөн харагдах уу яах уу ийх үү, яана аа батга гарчлаа гэж амьдралдаа "зовж" үзээгүй юм байна. 

одоо бол харин ганц 2 юм гардаг болсон чинь ёстой хэцүү юм аа, ёстой жинкэн зовжийна ахаха. 

these chemical beauty stuffs are sO hard. 


these r more like a fucking Chemistry or a Biology Class Lectures for me. 


no wonder they do NOTHING except that washing their face to apply it n re-wash thier make up & wash it again. 



these r sO 

super dedicated work. *im just tired of writing all these* 



[prompt: https://youtu.be/AkBPg_u0BfE


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